Monday, 10 February 2014

Liebster Awards Nominees

 Liebster Awards.

I am excited to be a nominee for the Liebster Awards. This is an award for up and coming bloggers with 200 followers or fewer. I have been nominated by Kelly Colvin. This is a great way to meet bloggers like myself!


Here are the rules:
1. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you
2. Create 11 questions for people you've nominated
3. Choose eleven people (with fewer than 200 followers) to give this award to and link them in your post
4. Go to their page and tell them or email them
5. Remember, no tag backs.

Here are Kelly's questions for me:

1.  Would you rather travel to Europe or the Caribbean?
Europe of course!

2.  What made you decide to start blogging?

I love writing and I had heaps of thoughts in my head, I just had to get them down!

3.  Dogs or cats?

I don't like dogs at all. I have two cats.

4.  What is the one beauty product you can't live without?

Moisturising face oil.

5.  What 3 items would you want on a deserted island with you?

Excluding people. A coconut tree, a hat and a soft matress. I couldn't sleep on sand.

6.  What's your favorite TV show?

I like The Block.

7.  What's your biggest vice?


8.  Skiing or beach?

Skiing. I love the cold.

9.  What would you eat as your last meal?

My mums lasagne and garlic bread. Yum 

10.  What's the one thing you'll only do when you're alone?

Sing at the top of my lungs.

11.  What would your dream life be like in 5 years?

Sitting on the front porch of my little cottage surrounded by my family with plenty of tea, cats, ducks and geese.

Ok nominees here are my questions:

  1. Sweet or savoury?
  2. DIY or buy?
  3. Do you prefer to bake cakes or cook dinner?
  4. Heels or flat shoes?
  5. Whats your favorite movie?
  6. Who is your favorite disney princess and why?
  7. If you could go to any country in the world where would it be?
  8. City girl or country sweetheart? why?
  9. Do you prefer the beach or poolside?
  10. Whats your favorite flower?
  11. Clubbing with friends or a quiet night playing boardgames with pals?
So there you go, my questions. I hope you enjoy answering them and continue with your own nominees!

Have Fun

Renee x


  1. Hi Renee, just started following your blog. Thank you again for nominating me for the Liebster Awards. I find it's a great way to get to know more bloggers and interact with them. BTW I don't like sand either. Luckily for me we have a pebble stone beach in my town. I only go to sand beaches to take long walks along the shore. See u around!

  2. Thanks for the nomination, as I've already done it thought I'd answer the questions here...
    1. sweet all the way
    2. buy, i can't make anything
    3. bake cakes - Great British Bake Off here I come
    4. heels - i'm a shorty
    5. seven brides for seven brothers
    6. sleeping beauty - i wanna sleep for 100 years (or ariel, who doesn't want to live under the sea?)
    7. somewhere i haven't been? New Zealand
    8. city girl - i love me some shopping
    9. beach - purely for the water sports
    10. not a flower person but looks wise bluebells
    11. clubbing - i hate board games

    Great questions xx

  3. Thank you so much for nominating me, I just did the post! x

  4. Hello Renee, I've just posted my Liebster Award entry. In case you want to read it:
    Thanks again for the nomination! See u around ;)

  5. Thanks so much for nominating me! I've just posted my answers, pop by and take a look :) x


I love to read your comments, I would love to hear your thoughts, thanks!