Monday 6 July 2015

5 Beauty Hacks For Busy Mums

5 Practical Tips

As mum we compromise and multi task almost everything. One thing that I have spend a great deal of effort doing is making sure I have a healthy skin care and beauty regime.

  1. Wear a face mask whilst doing the dishes. It takes two seconds to apply a mask, but who has fifteen minutes to spare waiting for it to do it's magic when there is housework to do? Pop your mask on and sweep the floors or fold the washing, it may not be that relaxing experience that you hope for but at least your skin is getting a little TLC. ( I always apply my face mask on before I do the morning dishes.)
  2. Keep a couple of hair bands around your wrist; and a bobby pin in your hair at all times. I can't tell you the amount of times I have had lovely neat hair when I walk out the door, then I pick up Miss E and she grabs it with sandy hands or the wind fizzes it up. Having a hair tie handy is very practical.
  3. Keep facewipes on your bedside table. Hands up who goes to bed and can't be bothered cleansing, toning and moisturising before snuggling up in your comfy doona? I can put two hands up. Having a good quality facewipe next to you will make it easier to clean your face and not actually get out of bed. 
  4. Have a Tangle teaser in your hand bag/nappy bag. This is something I have recently started to keep in my everyday bag. If your out and about and your hair needs a quick touch up these hand sized brushes make all the difference. They are also handy for quickly brushing out knotty toddler hair.
  5. Keep a nail file in the kitchen. We have a lot of quick bursts of time waiting for the kettle to boil or toast to pop so if you like neat nails now is the time to reach for that nail file and maintain those pointers.
 Do you have any other time saving advice?

Have fun!

Renee x

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