Tuesday 22 April 2014

Cakes for babies

Baking Cakes

So the Easter holidays are officially over, but we have a mountain of chocolate on the pantry still waiting to be eaten. I'm one of those people that get really excited about holidays. Christmas, Easter and birthdays always are a highlight on my calender. It's bubs first Easter this year, so we did our usual church on Good Friday and exchanges a bit of chocolate on Easter Sunday and to my surprise I had a few people saying what shall I get the baby? Surely at 10 months old she is too young for chocolate?
I certainly felt uncomfortable giving my bub chocolate so I decided to bake her a healthier alternative.

These little cakes are made from a few ingredients that I am fine with giving her and it doesn't contain any gluten.

1 Apple, stewed
2 Cups of Almond meal
2 eggs
1 Teaspoon Baking powder
a pinch on Cinnamon
a pinch of mixed spice
a teaspoon of honey (optional)

Method:  preheat oven to 180°C.
  1. Peel and cut apple in small pieces.
  2. Place apple in a pan and add water until apple is just covered, put on medium heat until apple is soft
  3. when cooled blend the apple using a blender or hand whiz.
  4. transfer apple to a bowl, add Almond meal and mix with a spoon
  5. add eggs, baking soda and cinnamon and mixed spice and mix it all together.
  6. add honey if you desire.
  7. get a tablespoon of mixture and place it on lined oven tray.
Bake these for 10-12 minutes or until the top becomes golden. I had to give these to bub crumbled up because they can get stuck in her mouth.These would be great with a spoonful of yoghurt on the side!
These can be stored in an airtight container for up to three days and the batter can be frozen.

Have Fun!

Renee x

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